You look inward

Offer compassion

Gain understanding

Admit ignorance

Mend relationships

Integrate wisdom

Never harm

Discipline good habits

Embrace truth

Disengage from wrong thinking


YogaMinded was founded in 2003 as my desire to share yoga teaching to teenagers began. I have had a special place in my heart for teenagers for many decades, even before I had my own children who are now teenagers. Through my experience teaching this age group in various venues (community shelters, private and public highschools, colleges, after-school clubs, athletic teams, and summer camps), I have learned how to make yoga relatable for teenagers, no matter what their circumstances. This course and its supplemental resources make my knowledge available for the person who wants to prepare themselves for this age group and create a fulfilling teen yoga experience for their students.


YogaMinded seeks to support dedicated teen yoga teachers worldwide so that teen yoga classrooms are rewarding for both teachers and teen students. Once the proper framework for sharing yoga with this age group is understood, teachers can facilitate meaningful experiences for teenagers where yoga can become “theirs” over time.


The modern world is full of unhealthy distractions and stresses, especially for adolescents. YogaMinded equips passionate yoga teachers with the tools to guide young people along the path to becoming healthy and stable adults. Through an online video series, Instructor’s Manual on How to Teach Teenagers Yoga , and a constructive feedback and grading system, YogaMinded trains adults to become effective teen yoga instructors.


Special thanks and acknowledgement for all the people along the way who have contributed their support to YogaMinded's efforts, especially: